Welcome to MY WORLD.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Met surina after her school at amk hub then we went to eat at Mac first. After that we went to watch alls well ends well. if you really want to have a good laugh, then watch that movie. It's really funny! While going to take bus home, saw junkai working there. After the movie went home and online for awhile. Waited for surina to bathe then train down to meet moo for dinner. We went to bugis to look for her. But we arrived early, so we went to walk around before moo end her work and also before shafiq arrive. Yup. After that we went to mac again. But because surina and me just ate mac for lunch so we persuaded moo to eat other things. So we went to long john silver. :D After that went home le lor. Tomorrow still have to go out. :Dwhatever it is, i'll just fake a smile. anyway, i'm not that important.
Monday, January 26, 2009
25th jan 2009Went to vivo with weiming to buy shoe from everlast and met mingxuan and alvin ng. Bought two shirt for both of my brother, one each. So after we finished shopping at vivo. They wanted to go bugis! We headed to bugis street and saw that moo moo there working. She ah.. poor thing lor, keep getting scoldings. after so, mingxuan and alvin bought their new year clothes there. It's nice lor. cause i commented on the clothes! :D after we finished shopping, went home and bathed. Then my family and i went to popo's house for steamboat and lao yu sheng. Didn't follow my cousins cause my dad wanted to go home! That's all. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to everyone. May all of you have a great year ahead! Gonna collect lots of ANG BAO!
23rd jan 2009
Went to meet moo and mal at vivo after thier interview around 8 plus. i reached there before thier interview ends, went to see if greyton was working at crocodile anot. but he isn't there luh.. so walk around finally mal called. after meeting them. mal left us for her family to have dinner together. so moo and i went to long john silver. moo was really mad lor. she just kept laughing all the way la! i think she's possessed. LOL! after our meals we went to zinc to buy a present for SHAFIQ! he should be honoured lor. we trained back home and took bus 86 from compass point. we took some photos on the bus too!! :D

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Today.Woke up and as usual watched tv. After that called surina who didn't reply my sms! Lol! Since she's tired, then i went to buy my luch alone. Ate my lunch and started to spring clean my room. I dare to say, after spring cleaned my room i have the cleanest room in the world. Hahas. I can't imagine the dirty and black water are dusts from my room. Yucks! After cleaning my room, went to bathe. Met my cousins for dinner at justacia at pasir ris there. The meal was on jeehui, she treat us cause she got her pay already! Hahas. Our dining place have got free flow of drinks and ice-cream. We enjoyed ourself there and we think that we produced the most noise pollution! Just be very careful if you see us, the cousins together. :D
my spicy chicken set.

Jeelee and me.

Jeehui and randi.

Randi, after laughing at (more circle).

Thanks ah jie for the dinner!
19th jan 2009
19th jan 2009
Met mu-chen and malvina to look for job at 1pm downstairs my house bus-stop. But we can't seems to find any cause some only wants full-time and some says that we need to work at least half a year. Yup. So got no luck luh.. After the job-looking, we went to Macdonalds for ice-cream and green-tea for me. Saw my cousin jeelee, who ps-ed me. Never go swimming!! Still at mac eat ice-cream. We chatted for quite some time then mal and mu-chen needs to go home already and i have to go swimming! So, i walked them to the bus-stop and they walked me to the traffic light. LOL! Though i reached early for swimming this time round. But still not the earliest! Bernard was there already. Then as usuals, those tough laps. But this time round we swim while carrying a brick. That was really tough, it's like drowning yourself lor. Like looking for your own death. Hahas. :D Didn't go dinner with the rest of the people. Met binghui and a senior from HIHS at the bus-stop while waiting for 27 to go home. so we bus-ed home together.
18th jan 2009
Met up with mingxuan and viewmeng to buy sotong balls and marshmallows for 2-dil gathering. We're the first to reach liling's place! Then we saw xinde and liling in a car. Mingxuan actually thought that liling went to fetch xinde and leave us outside the condo luh.. But is xinde go fetch liling from potong pasir mrt station. LOL! When we reached the pit area. Mingxuan and viewmeng went to swim luh..enjoy lor! Xinde's dad prepared stingray for us, louise did the marinated chicken wings. The rest did contribute too!! We BBQ-ed the night and chatted. It was defintely a great day! Hope that we'll have more gatherings! Thanks mr.choo as always, gave us red packets! yeah! And miss lini, we'll miss you! All the best in your studies! :D
Met up with mingxuan and viewmeng to buy sotong balls and marshmallows for 2-dil gathering. We're the first to reach liling's place! Then we saw xinde and liling in a car. Mingxuan actually thought that liling went to fetch xinde and leave us outside the condo luh.. But is xinde go fetch liling from potong pasir mrt station. LOL! When we reached the pit area. Mingxuan and viewmeng went to swim luh..enjoy lor! Xinde's dad prepared stingray for us, louise did the marinated chicken wings. The rest did contribute too!! We BBQ-ed the night and chatted. It was defintely a great day! Hope that we'll have more gatherings! Thanks mr.choo as always, gave us red packets! yeah! And miss lini, we'll miss you! All the best in your studies! :D
2-DIL' 06
hey! jojo!

liling, me, louise, anne marie

liling, me, louise, anne marie
at the pool, flower.
xinde's story-telling time.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Hahas! Today, watched twilight with mumu today at tampines mall. Then after the movie, we went to century square's second level. That level only have female toilet, so sad for the guys luh! That toilet is really beautiful la, i think we stayed in there for 15 minutes? After that went for lifesaving course. Did the usual CPR luh.. Then do towing with long-sleeve shirt and shoulder tow. I always let my cousin drink water for the shoulder tow. LOL.Yesterday went to have lunch with eunice, milissa and peifang. Had pastamania for lunch at plaza sing and went to play photo hunt at the arcade. Then took some stupid pictures. Will post it up when eunice send me the pics. After that met MUMU and FELICIA at hougang mall to watch HARMONIE II concert which was held by both AJC and CJC at catholic junior college performing arts center. the performance was great la! but we had to sit by the steps because we went in late and there aren't any seats available. it's like a duh! After the concert, met up with fel's mum, tze guan and sipeng for beancurd near kovan there.
Monday, January 5, 2009
So this is my first post after so long since i've created this blog. Had swimming training at 7p.m till 9p.m just now. It was no joke luh, super tiring and tough! Swim till i going to die la!! And i dunno how to plunge! I am so dumb la, everyone can do it but not me. :(
Let me post some random pics!
me and mu in the music room.
band day.
jun an is so blessed! :P