Welcome to MY WORLD.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Had 3 hours of lab!! but today's lab was quite fun luh.. at least nothing to get involve with chemicals. so after the labwork, mumu and i went to su lounge to help with seperating the beads. wah, it hurts my eyes man! :D tomorrow will be a tiring day i guess.. end school at 6pm and still got hockey training!! ARGH!! i still have muscles ache. today is not a very great day, hope that tomorrow will be better! i want to play pool but mumu dun want to play with me. hahas! hope she see this!Habit: an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary.
lalala! dunno what it is for, but just feel like putting that down! :D
i have the feeling of going for a swim again.. swim swim swim!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
dunno what to blog today. but anyway was quite happy that during hockey training we ran 4km within 30mins and do the steps thing. it was quite an achievement cause we've never run such a far distance before. :) ohh, today went to su to learn how to do duties. yupp. tomorrow still got SFP lab!!it's time i stop playing a fool and get down to some serious business.
i think i should also stop all my wishful thinking, moreover it's just my thinking. it would never be true.
Forgot what i really did for last week. Only remembered going to K with classmates, went to watch hockey match with hockey seniors! And MUMU say lots of stupid stuffs. That i'll never forget, cause it's so stupid that i saved it in my phone as a note. LOL!
1st: all matches time is count down and when it's 21.25 mins mumu thought that 21.25 mins have past.
2nd: she fell down when we're buying hockey shirts. hahas
3rd: she thought that 48sec is actually 48 mins!!
4th: she thought that a hip song is the russia's national song
5th: a senior told her that junior game is 21 yrs and below which is from year 87 and above. and she convey the msg to us that junior game is 21-87yrs old. oh my!
6th: she say that a chile player shorts is elastic.
7th: every player sure got jersey numbered clothes. while s'pore team is warming up they haven't change to their jersey and mu tell us: eh, like that very good ehhh, they got no number then the opponent's team dunno who to mark. LOL!
8th: it's super obvious that a small boy is from some primary school helping as a ball steward. but she said: eh, that boy so small i dun believe he is from republic polythenic. we heard from some friends that the helper are from rp so she thought so.. lol!
MUMU stupid DAY!! hahas!
1st: all matches time is count down and when it's 21.25 mins mumu thought that 21.25 mins have past.
2nd: she fell down when we're buying hockey shirts. hahas
3rd: she thought that 48sec is actually 48 mins!!
4th: she thought that a hip song is the russia's national song
5th: a senior told her that junior game is 21 yrs and below which is from year 87 and above. and she convey the msg to us that junior game is 21-87yrs old. oh my!
6th: she say that a chile player shorts is elastic.
7th: every player sure got jersey numbered clothes. while s'pore team is warming up they haven't change to their jersey and mu tell us: eh, like that very good ehhh, they got no number then the opponent's team dunno who to mark. LOL!
8th: it's super obvious that a small boy is from some primary school helping as a ball steward. but she said: eh, that boy so small i dun believe he is from republic polythenic. we heard from some friends that the helper are from rp so she thought so.. lol!
MUMU stupid DAY!! hahas!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
TODAY!woke up and went to TP to meet kay and ahjie for a swim. first time at TP's pool so i'm quite excited luh.. :D ahjie and me swam 20 laps but super slack one.. kay swam 40 laps.. our 20 laps is equivalent to his 40. LOL! we started swimming at 11am and went up the pool at 1 plus. so i'm tanned now. not nice de! my brother say i so ugly lor. what the! never mind, after swimming went to mensa for the western food. chatted with kay and he shared his stories in TP with us.. we went to meet the poor baile outside the library, she haven't sleep for a night already as she was rushing her project for submission. so kay bought a dessert for her. he is a good brother. i sms-ed a nerd friend for dinner but was declined. what the! LOL! since i was declined, went to popo house with ahjie. we chatted and bought western from her house coffee shop to eat and bought bubbletea as well. we chatted lots and lots of stuffs luh.. i'm tired. tomorrow still got hockey training!! :S will die de! there is nexo sports outing tomorrow too. have life-saving BBQ at east coast too! i dunno if i should go, cause i'm not swimming with them already. later i go there extra only.. LOL! :)
9th june.
hockey training at 10am. really super tiring!! for warm ups, we ran 5 full rounds around the pitch. was already half-dead by then. then we did stretching exercise.. we touch the sticks at around 11.18am and then went to the squash area to warm down i guess.. we're suppose to run the small steps 5 times. and jump on the big steps 20 times. and the 5 times and 20 times are counted as a set. and we've to do 3 sets of that!! totally dead after that. waited for mal mal to bathe then mumu and me went to bookshop for some snacks and mumu is happy. LOL! ok, then we went to buy bubbletea from opposite school. took the bus home. after i reached home, i sleep till 7.45pm. hahas! was really tired and whole body aching.
8th june
Was suppose to meet the clique which went for roti prata that night at safra at 12pm. I was late again, but not the latest. Yutong reached first, then ben and jerome. After i reached we talked outside the mind cafe waiting for kaijie.. when we decided to go pool, the place was packed so we went straight to mind cafe as that was our aim. we went in at 1.45pm and the happy hour starts at 2pm. so we decide on what to eat first. and then ordered at 2pm. i had salmon pasta!! NICE! after that rowena and kaijie came together. then jolyn and after that jason. we played guns and shots, true colours and stacko true or dare. hahas. we really enjoyed ourselves there luh.. they had to do the dare, jumping around the cafe and being video-ed. LOL! while we're playing, ryan gave me a call and ask us to go to teoheng for K. :D
we left mindcafe at 5.15pm and met ahjie outside safra and went to teoheng. Our gl booked a room for us from 7pm to 9pm. before k we're at katong having the nice chicken rice. wasn't really hungry actually, but since i was there why not eat? what if i won't go there again? LOL! think too much. when we reached there we started choosing the songs.. the sad thing is that jason and jerome say that they dunno how to sing chinese songs as they can't read the chinese characters. i think it's very nonsense luh, both of them got B3 for chinese 'O' level eh.. lol! i did sing la, a few songs. went to gls room to hear them sing.. all of them can really sing la. if got singing competition, nexo go sure first de. hahas. when it's 9pm the GLs have actually prepared a cake for Ryan's belated birthday. we sang a birthday song for him and took photos with him. after the photo-taking, he was asked to sing 祝我生日快樂 for us and himself. LOL! but his singing is really good. after the song, the freshies went off luh.. cause the GLs book their room till 11pm. hahas. so we went for a few rounds of pool. ahjie and yutong went off early. and leave me with jerome, jason, kaijie and ben. around 10pm we left the pool place and head to HOME! took 14 to tanah merah station and trained to pasir ris to take bus 88. reached home around 11 plus.

mind cafe! formal!

NEXOIANS freshies!

playing true colours.

K at teoheng katong.

ahjie singing, jerome listening so attentively.


Was suppose to meet the clique which went for roti prata that night at safra at 12pm. I was late again, but not the latest. Yutong reached first, then ben and jerome. After i reached we talked outside the mind cafe waiting for kaijie.. when we decided to go pool, the place was packed so we went straight to mind cafe as that was our aim. we went in at 1.45pm and the happy hour starts at 2pm. so we decide on what to eat first. and then ordered at 2pm. i had salmon pasta!! NICE! after that rowena and kaijie came together. then jolyn and after that jason. we played guns and shots, true colours and stacko true or dare. hahas. we really enjoyed ourselves there luh.. they had to do the dare, jumping around the cafe and being video-ed. LOL! while we're playing, ryan gave me a call and ask us to go to teoheng for K. :D
we left mindcafe at 5.15pm and met ahjie outside safra and went to teoheng. Our gl booked a room for us from 7pm to 9pm. before k we're at katong having the nice chicken rice. wasn't really hungry actually, but since i was there why not eat? what if i won't go there again? LOL! think too much. when we reached there we started choosing the songs.. the sad thing is that jason and jerome say that they dunno how to sing chinese songs as they can't read the chinese characters. i think it's very nonsense luh, both of them got B3 for chinese 'O' level eh.. lol! i did sing la, a few songs. went to gls room to hear them sing.. all of them can really sing la. if got singing competition, nexo go sure first de. hahas. when it's 9pm the GLs have actually prepared a cake for Ryan's belated birthday. we sang a birthday song for him and took photos with him. after the photo-taking, he was asked to sing 祝我生日快樂 for us and himself. LOL! but his singing is really good. after the song, the freshies went off luh.. cause the GLs book their room till 11pm. hahas. so we went for a few rounds of pool. ahjie and yutong went off early. and leave me with jerome, jason, kaijie and ben. around 10pm we left the pool place and head to HOME! took 14 to tanah merah station and trained to pasir ris to take bus 88. reached home around 11 plus.

mind cafe! formal!

NEXOIANS freshies!

playing true colours.
K at teoheng katong.

ahjie singing, jerome listening so attentively.


6th june.
met ah jie in school at 12pm, was a little late. went to engine school LT26 to meet the others. while waiting for the programmers for the refresh to prepare, the rest of us in the LT was suppose to introduce ourselves one by one.. it started with me first la!! cause i sat at the front row. so suay.. but it's okay, i wasn't being asked the very difficult question like, tell us one thing about you that we dunno and wasn't ask if i am attached and available or attached and unavailable. LOL! after the introduction, we were numbered and group randomly. i was in group 2 with seemui, qiaoying, jerome, ben, kaijie, jason and sunny.
Our refresh theme is: TAKE YOUR TIME!
1st station: latif, sean and dereksong. we're suppose to pass water bags while singing with our body parts with only 2 index finger and the last person have to sit on the water bags. we're sparyed with water with vinegar inside luh.. so smelly after that.
2nd station: fungyong, shah, adrain. we have to catch water bombs with our hands and 3 funnel. get as much as possible and we're able to throw the water bags back at the programmers. LOL!
3rd station: maybelle, jiamin, desmond. got to pick up pingpong balls from the flour and bucket of pail and move to the other end. it's like playing traffic light luh.. we've to pose as panda, mantis or tiger when they shout the animals.
4th station: jonnyboy and huiling. we got to help each other shampoo our hair and then collect the foam to the pail at the other end. have to duck walk to the other end luh.. hahas. tiring.
5th station: kaiwen and pauline. it was held at the fountain and we have to first duck walk around the circle then walk and shout " save me sister " then the last round we've got to hold hands and walk towards the middle of the fountain together to save the sisters nail polish. hahas! after the game we apply nail polish on our nails. :D

before station 3 starts.
after the 5 stations, gather with the other groups and played a short round of captain ball. we played captain's ball with fruits also la, created a mess after the whole game. hahas.

it became a fruit war. it's cool!
after that we went to bathe and then had dinner! ordered 12 boxes of pizzas and 1 box of drumlets. after the 12 boxes, it's still not enough so they ordered more of it. after dinner, we slacked around.. and when it's around 8 we watched phobia before going for the night activity. the night activity is not a night walk it's a game called sardine it's like hide-and-seek. there are 2 pairs, (shah and kaiwen) and (dereksong and latif). we found shah and kaiwen first, they hide in the bushes near the cargo lift la.. made it so difficult for us to find them, and they smeared white paint on thier faces. scary!! eunice also painted the white paint and scare others like ryan and john. lol! at 10.50pm we've to go back to the LT to go to our "bunks". we sleep in the tutorial classrooms in engine school. but none of us slept cause it's still early. ben and ah jie talked awhile. i talked to melly, kaijie and then we started singing. hahas. went for roti prata opposite school for supper at 2am. people who went are: ahjie, jerome, ben, melly, jason, kaijie, sebastian, geff and zhiguang. i had cheese prata with egg and teh bing. NICE NICE!! :D walked back to our bunks and started playing poker cards. played cards all the way till the morning. i did sleep from 5am to 5.30am luh.. then woke up and continued with the maths card game. it's fun!
around 8am most of them left for home to sleep or to work like shah.. lol! then the rest of us went to Macdonald to have breakfast together! derek and me entertained our table peeps with some acting. LOL! we're neighbours! hahas. it's really funny. went home after breakfast. slept from 1pm to 7 pm. LOL!

derek and me

me and jolyn.

group photo! yay! :D
met ah jie in school at 12pm, was a little late. went to engine school LT26 to meet the others. while waiting for the programmers for the refresh to prepare, the rest of us in the LT was suppose to introduce ourselves one by one.. it started with me first la!! cause i sat at the front row. so suay.. but it's okay, i wasn't being asked the very difficult question like, tell us one thing about you that we dunno and wasn't ask if i am attached and available or attached and unavailable. LOL! after the introduction, we were numbered and group randomly. i was in group 2 with seemui, qiaoying, jerome, ben, kaijie, jason and sunny.
Our refresh theme is: TAKE YOUR TIME!
1st station: latif, sean and dereksong. we're suppose to pass water bags while singing with our body parts with only 2 index finger and the last person have to sit on the water bags. we're sparyed with water with vinegar inside luh.. so smelly after that.
2nd station: fungyong, shah, adrain. we have to catch water bombs with our hands and 3 funnel. get as much as possible and we're able to throw the water bags back at the programmers. LOL!
3rd station: maybelle, jiamin, desmond. got to pick up pingpong balls from the flour and bucket of pail and move to the other end. it's like playing traffic light luh.. we've to pose as panda, mantis or tiger when they shout the animals.
4th station: jonnyboy and huiling. we got to help each other shampoo our hair and then collect the foam to the pail at the other end. have to duck walk to the other end luh.. hahas. tiring.
5th station: kaiwen and pauline. it was held at the fountain and we have to first duck walk around the circle then walk and shout " save me sister " then the last round we've got to hold hands and walk towards the middle of the fountain together to save the sisters nail polish. hahas! after the game we apply nail polish on our nails. :D

before station 3 starts.
after the 5 stations, gather with the other groups and played a short round of captain ball. we played captain's ball with fruits also la, created a mess after the whole game. hahas.

it became a fruit war. it's cool!
after that we went to bathe and then had dinner! ordered 12 boxes of pizzas and 1 box of drumlets. after the 12 boxes, it's still not enough so they ordered more of it. after dinner, we slacked around.. and when it's around 8 we watched phobia before going for the night activity. the night activity is not a night walk it's a game called sardine it's like hide-and-seek. there are 2 pairs, (shah and kaiwen) and (dereksong and latif). we found shah and kaiwen first, they hide in the bushes near the cargo lift la.. made it so difficult for us to find them, and they smeared white paint on thier faces. scary!! eunice also painted the white paint and scare others like ryan and john. lol! at 10.50pm we've to go back to the LT to go to our "bunks". we sleep in the tutorial classrooms in engine school. but none of us slept cause it's still early. ben and ah jie talked awhile. i talked to melly, kaijie and then we started singing. hahas. went for roti prata opposite school for supper at 2am. people who went are: ahjie, jerome, ben, melly, jason, kaijie, sebastian, geff and zhiguang. i had cheese prata with egg and teh bing. NICE NICE!! :D walked back to our bunks and started playing poker cards. played cards all the way till the morning. i did sleep from 5am to 5.30am luh.. then woke up and continued with the maths card game. it's fun!
around 8am most of them left for home to sleep or to work like shah.. lol! then the rest of us went to Macdonald to have breakfast together! derek and me entertained our table peeps with some acting. LOL! we're neighbours! hahas. it's really funny. went home after breakfast. slept from 1pm to 7 pm. LOL!
derek and me
me and jolyn.

group photo! yay! :D
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
HELLO! just a short post to remind myself to update the blog with NEXO refresh which is from 6th june to 7th june. and also NEXO outing with some nexoian on 8th june. will update later after hockey training when i've got more time! and when the photos are uploaded by ben. :D ok, so i think that's all now! enjoy your holiday!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
went to Ikea for lunch with my polymates. while alson and cherie are having their lunch. mumu and me walked to the counter there for the hotdogs! hahas. both of us ate two hotdogs and i ate an extra curry puff. it's so nice can! after the lunch on the way back we went to the place to buy the soft ice-cream! it's really super soft can, worth $1.50 each. go try go try! after lunch at ikea went back home to sleep! it has been a long time since i had a good sleep. so i sleep from 2pm to 6pm. woke up and went to sengkang swimming complex for a great swim. i went ALONE! lol. after 1 hour of swim which i only managed to swim 20 laps. 10 laps breaststroke and 10 laps of freestyle. that is already killing me! so i think minghui is quite fit ah, he told me and mumu he swam 50 laps la! i think it's time i should go for regular swims. :DWho say that you can't go swimming alone? swimming alone is also fun ok. cause i really swam and not go play the slides huh.. anyway, there is Macdonald and 7-eleven at the anchorvale community centre there already. so next time after a good swim, can go eat back the fats. lol. talking about 7-eleven. i went in to buy hello panda and chocolates. when i'm at the cashier paying up, the person ask me what brand of shampoo i use eh.. i was like huh? but i did answer to that question. haha.
for the past week i've been quite happy, living in my world of fantasy. it is really MY world only. cause all of those are just my thinkings.. after that things have changed. or it could be what mumu says that i'm thinking too much. but i doubt so. anyway, after a good swim i've decided not to think too much lo! put all things aside first or just take a step each time and see how it goes. :D
time for swimming practices. think too long never swim le, stroking and breathing all sucks! should train my arm power.. for a better freestyle. hahas! talk like some pro here. whatever!
anyway, there is a nexo chalet!! from saturday to sunday afternoon! yay! and ben, heart to heart talk is on. LOL! :D
Thursday, June 4, 2009
HELLO! my test results are sure to be super horrible! but today's math should be better than the previous 4 test luh.. hope that tomorrow's SFP will be better. anyway, went to airport yesterday to study for math. went to terminal 3 mac and ate more than studied. saw shah at the airport too! today's airport trip to terminal 2 was great too. just that during lunch time more people are coming in, so we decided to move to terminal 3 mac. :D today all of us are quite low, study our own notes. left the airport at 6plus. I'm MUMU's FGM! she drew me a pic at the airport. hahas! so gonna keep it. actually wanted to go swimming today, but scared that the water will be too cold in the night. so i decided to postpone the trip to tomorrow!! yeah! which pool should i go? tampines? sengkang or hougang? lol! spoilt for choices.anyway, was quite sad for some reasons.. but mumu, dun worry it's not going to affect me. i'm still the cheerful FGM! :D hahas! mumu, stay so happy always okay. uhmmm cha! LOL